The other day I came across a blog page ( titled motherhood for dummies. This blog really caught my attention because, as you all know, at this point in my life I can relate to NEW MOMS. Anyway, the other day motherhood for dummies posted about how her daughter was freaking out over a number of different things.... well I got news for you, today was FREAK OUT FRIDAY at the Alberts household!
The day started off normal. The usual smiles and coos when I changed his diaper this morning, tummy time and leg exercises on the baby Einstein mat, and course the feedings. We even made it the bank, BJ's wholesale club, and Giant Eagle with ease. Then we arrived home!!! And the freak outs began!!! My little angel literally cried, screamed, spit, and kicked on and off for about 3 hours. The only thing that seemed to help was laying him down on his stomach. Clearly, he had a belly ache. When he finally had his major diaper blowout of the day he seemed to feel better!
I thought for a minute about taking his picture so that you all could see his, if you don't give me what I want right now or I am going to scream face, but I just couldn't. I was so sad that he was hurting. He is feeling much better now and is sleeping peacefully. I really hope that this will be the one and only FREAK OUT FRIDAY post but I would be kidding myself if I thought that this wasn't going to happen again! Oh, the joys of being a mom!!!