My son had his two month check up today with the doctor. He is now a whopping 13lbs and 3oz and measures 24 3/4 inches long. Needless to say, the doctor was happy with his weight gain! The doctor said that he was a healthy and that everything looked and sounded great. Our visit was going great until the nurse came in to do the vaccinations. My little guy went from laughing and smiling to screaming and crying in an instant. I don't think he liked the shots to much. Ouch!!! I felt so bad for him, it hurt me that he was hurting. He is feeling better now and is happy as can be!
Here's my little guy after the doctor's appointment. Aw!!! Doesn't he look cute with his little Garfield band-aide?

On to next subject. The other day I received a letter from a friend to join in on a Children's Book Exchange. Don't worry it is not a chain letter, its just a fun way to build or add to your child's book collection. If you are interested email me at and I will send you the letter. You have the opportunity to receive up to 36 books! I am participating in this for sure!
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