Honey, are you out there?

Oh, there you are!

I don't know what the weather is like by you but if your somewhere warm enjoy it because take a look at what we are dealing with this weekend. I think it is safe to say that the hubby will be out there for a good part of the day. We have about 6" of snow so far and the weather station is predicting 4-8 more inches by tonight. I was supposed to catch up with some college friends this weekend in Michigan, needless to say, I will not be going. Part of me (okay most of me) is happy to be home with my baby and hubby this weekend even though for about a month I have been anxiously awaiting my trip. This will be a great weekend just spending time with the two people I love the most. We will probably just loaf around, watch movies, practice crawling and sitting, and just enjoy each others company. I might even curl up with a good book under some warm blankets and make some hot chocolate with marshmallows and whip cream of course! Have a great weekend!
Looks cold! We have had a few of those storms this year, but it has been warmer this weekend. Sometimes it's nice to be able to just relax at home. But I like summer much better than winter!
That is some serious snow! Hot chocolate sounds so good right now, even if we have no snow here. :)
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