Today was way to nice of a day to sit around the house. And since both the baby and I have been feeling better, we decided to make the best of our day together. We went to watch the cousins soccer games!!! Our little man had so much fun trying to run on the field and kick the soccer balls. I can tell already that he's got athleticism running through the genes. He really looked liked one of the kids on the soccer field when he was dribbling one of the balls. He also enjoyed hanging out with his cousins!!!
Here are a few pictures of our brief but fun visit:

I think he's got his daddy's soccer gene and his mommy's athletic ability! He's so darn cute too!! He's just the sweetest baby. I wanted to take him home with me. Thanks for coming today. We need to get together again very soon!!
It's just crazy how grown up they are getting. I am noticing Landon doing these things too & I can't believe it!!
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