I have carried you know for over 38 weeks and in just 8 days we (daddy, Eddie, and I) will finally get to meet you. Daddy and I have loved you since the minute we found out you would be coming into this world. And your big brother Eddie has been so excited to meet you. He too has loved you since he found out he was going to be a big brother. He has kissed mommy's belly and told you he loves you a hundred times and will continue to tell you once you are born! As will your daddy and I! We will take care of you, love you, and give you what we can. We will try our best to teach you right from wrong and will guide you to make right decisions as you grow older. We love you so much and can't wait to meet you! Here are a few pictures of you in mommy's belly.
Here you are at about 20 weeks old. This is the day we found out you were a girl and decided Andi Jo would be your name.

Here you are at 24 weeks. Mommy had to go in for a follow up ultrasound because the doctors did not see your stomach fill up the way they wanted at 20 weeks. Everything checked out just fine.

Here you are in mommy's belly on New Year's Day 2012.

And here is picture of you and I and your big brother the day my coworkers through a baby shower for us. You and I were about 34 weeks.

And here we are at 35 weeks. My students at school surprised us with another shower!

The next time I post pictures of you, you will be in my arms, your daddy's arms, or your brother's arms and we will be kissing and loving on you!
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