The prize this week is sponsored by Chris. She is offering two beautiful Christmas mugs and a $10 Chevron Gift Card for the prize for this week! WOW! What a great prize. Makes me wish I had lost this week. If you'd like to sponsor a prize, let me know! We are currently out of prizes!
The names of this week's "losers" were dropped into a coffee cup and this week's WINNER is Christy!
Congrats to Tina for being this week's biggest loser of pounds!! She lost an amazing 5.2 pounds. I wonder if she is willing to loan out her personal trainer. Be sure to cruise over to her blog and congratulate her!
Chris - 2 GAIN
Tammy - 1.5 LOSS
Life With Hashi-Thyroid Blog - no report
Grace - No Change
Leigh - 1.5 GAIN
Clara - 1.2 LOSS
Julie - 1 GAIN
Cheryl - 1 LOSS
Audrey - 0.8 LOSS
Christy - 1.4 LOSS
Tina - 5.2 LOSS
Danielle - 1 GAIN
Jessie - no report
Steph - no report
CYN - no report
This week's total - 5.6 LOSS! WOOT!
Baby Updated: OMG!!! My baby is going to be six months old tomorrow!!! Yes, six months ago on April 29, 2008 our baby boy was born. He is the most precious baby and is literally growing by the minute. He has been cooing for a while but now he is full blown talking (in his own way, which sounds like yayayaya or nininin or dadadad) and it is the cutest thing ever. And it's official he has two teeth. They are not all the way in but they are through the gums. Now, if only I could get a picture to show you?? Hopefully soon!!! If anyone has any ideas on how to keep my guy smiling when I take the picture, please share!!!
Halloween always makes me put on weight. ;)
Six months! Time flies, huh?
well, up one is not that bad. i'm up 5...from swelling due to a soda binge i'm sure lol o.k. it's not really funny, but kinda. now i just got to get back on track since i started a weight loss journal blog...Diet Is Such A Dirty Word.
I gained a pound too - I think it's a bad time of year. Happy 6 Month Bday to your little one. & the teeth pictures I have gotten have been by accident.
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