Andi and Eddie have many similarities and differences. The most important similarity they share is that their parents and family love them very much and cherish time spent with them. Some similarities they share as babies include: they both weighted 8 plus pounds when they were born. They both have blue eyes and lite strawberry blonde/brownish/rusty color hair. They both started sleeping through the night around 2 months old and they both nursed well. They also have the most beautiful smiles that'll just melt your heart (in my opinion!!!). Although they share some commonalities as babies, they are also very different. Obviously, Eddie is 4 years older than Andi and has been potty trained for two years now. Andi, on the other hand, goes through 6-10 diapers a day. Eddie can feed himself (when he wants to eat), while I have to feed Andi bottles. Eddie wants to play outside, catch frogs, play trucks, go swimming, play baseball (sometimes) and ride on his four wheeler, where as Andi has to do tummy time and learn how to grab objects hanging above her. Eddie has a well developed vocabulary for a four year old and talks non-stop, while Andi is just finding her voice letting out squeals of joy here and there. Eddie is all boy and so far Andi is all girl!
Here are a few pictures of my two very different, yet the same, beautiful children:
Beautiful smiles |
Papa's girl |
Cousins |
Baseball time |
Grandma and Peepaw |
Pretty girl |
All Girl |
Tractor Time |
All Boy
Eddie's knew frog Buddy |
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