Friday, November 14, 2008


The scale finally moved! I am down two pounds this week. However, I am not overly excited about these two pounds because I barely got to work out this week and I know that I just lost muscle mass!!! Monday I had to take my little man to get his sixth month shots, Wednesday I had a meeting after work, and Thursday I took the little man to see his physician. I dealt with a constipated baby, again, all week. My poor baby gets so constipated to the point that he is squealing in pain when he is trying to push, it just break my heart. And you know what the scary thing is? He doesn't even seem like anythings bothering him until he is pushing!!! Anyway, the doctor said that there was nothing major to worry about at this point and that I just had to find a happy medium with the juices and fruits etc... My little man finally got everything out on Thursday and is now free flowing!!! Yipee..... I just hope it stays that way.

As for working out, here is what I managed to squeeze in this week:

Saturday: 3 mile run with dogs, 3 sets of stairs at the park.
Sunday: 3 mile run with dogs, 3 sets of stairs at the park.
Monday: OFF
Tuesday: 3 miles on the elliptical, 1 mile walk.
Wednesday: OFF
Thursday: OFF
Friday: 3 mile run on track, 1 mile walk.

Christie asked us to renew our vows this week. Here are my vows.

*For the next 4 weeks, I will TRY to eat clean.
* I will make a conscious effort to work out 5 to 6 days a week and maybe even start adding some weights into my workout ( I know I keep saying this but time is of the essence when you are a working mom and want to spend time with your baby before he goes to bed).
* I will begin training for the half marathon that I want to run in May, even if I don't end up running in it!!!
* I will try to eat less cakes and desserts that Mrs. S makes for all the teachers at work, she is evil!!! (This will be my most difficult task).
* And I will reach my goal weight or at least I hope... 7 more pounds to go!!!
* I will think about the inspiration and motivation this group has given me to want to be a healthier person!!!!


Michelle said...

Congrats on the loss. I need to start the excercising...and soon. Have a good weekend!

maggie said...

Two pounds is still two pounds, and I admire your renewed commitment. Good luck!

Christie O. said...

ok you're the second person to say they're training for a 1/2 marathon in the HFH group and now I am IN! I was thinking about it, I have one coming up in February (not sure if that's enough time -- but hey, I can walk, right???)

Thanks for the motivation! Oh and as for the little man, so sorry bout his poopy problem. we had that with our first, he went a whole week and a half -- it was actually kinda comical in a sick way, because everyone in my family (even from other states) was calling, "Did he poop yet?"

Yes, eventually he did and all is right with the world two years later. but it was funny at the time. hope your man gets on schedule!